Count Property (Attachments Collection) 

The Count property returns the number of Attachment objects in the collection. Read-only.



Data Type



This example stores in an array the names of all Attachment objects in the collection:

' from the sample function, TstDrv_Util_SmallCollectionCount

' objAttachColl is an Attachments collection

x = Util_SmallCollectionCount(objAttachColl)


Function Util_SmallCollectionCount(objColl As Object)

Dim strItemName(100) As String      ' Names of objects in collection

Dim i As Integer                    ' loop counter

    On Error GoTo error_olemsg

    If objColl Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "Must supply a valid collection object as a parameter"

        Exit Function

    End If

    If 0 = objColl.Count Then

        MsgBox "No items in the collection"

        Exit Function

    End If

    For i = 1 To objColl.Count Step 1

        strItemName(i) = objColl.Item(i).Name

        If 100 = i Then ' max size of string array

            Exit Function

        End If

    Next i

    ' error handling here...

End Function


See Also

Item Property (Attachments Collection)7ASD49